Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hate hides behind gates but Hope is a boundless community

When Canada's first elected Jewish politician, Ezekiel Hart, tried to take his seat in Parliament back in 1808, he was kicked out - something was covering his head, the more conservative minded MPs complained.

But Jews are still in Canada, still running for Parliament.

As are Moslems.

And the country is better off for having both of them here.

Hate (shoutout to Stephen Harper !) is a gated community, an inbred, idea-less, declining community.

Instead, to sustain hope of human survival, humanity must adopt the 'share and share alike' microbial HGT attitude to possible solutions.

We can't actually take up the microbial 'Horizontal Gene Transfers' method, but the human equivalent is equally good, albeit social/cultural in nature rather than genetic.

 Call our form of HGT,  'Human "Gen" Transfers'.

Words like Open Access and Public Domain must replace the use of excessive copyrights, patents and brandnames to control and destroy possible solutions to our looming environmental crisis.

But to make it work as well as the microbes' proven survival success via their HGT, humanity must know no frontiers, borders, barriers or gates.

We must become a Big Tent Coalition of all possible talents, seeking any and every possible solution, regardless of what headdress the proposer is wearing...

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Why My Urgency ?

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Nova Scotia
Histories of WWII all start with the presumption that it was a war raged between humans and human ideologies, with Nature’s climate and geography as side issues easily surmounted.My blog, on the contrary will only accept that it was conflict between humans and their ideology that STARTED the war but that it was the barriers thrown up by Mother Nature (geography & climate) that turned it into a war that lasted between 6 to 15 years and expanded to thoroughly involve all the world’s oceans and continents. High Modernity may have started the war convinced that Nature had been conquered and was about to be soon replaced by human Synthetic Autarky and that only human Tiger tanks and human Typhoon planes were to be feared. But by the end, more and more people had lost their naive faith in Scientism and were beginning to accept that humanity was thoroughly entangled with both the Nature of plants, animals & microbes as well as the Nature of so called “lesser” humanity. By 1965, the world was definitely entering the Age of Entanglement. Billions still believed - at least in part -with the promises of High Modernity but intellectually & emotionally, it was no longer dominant...


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